The 54th Annual Missouri S&T Asphalt Conference will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 6-7, 2011 at the Missouri University of Science & Technology.
Presentations at the conference include: warm mix for streets and parking lots, porous asphalt in Missouri, liquid asphalt supply and pricing, surface leveling mixes, high float emulsions, shingle mix problems, new paving equipment controls, full depth reclamation, proper rolling, polyurethane deep injection, safety edge paving, high RAP content plants, MAPA update, new binder grade specifications, reflective cracking prevention, ride roughness measurement, and MoDOT specification and research updates.
The conference should be of interest to contractors, public agencies, consulting engineers, testing labs, aggregate producers, asphalt binder suppliers, and equipment technical reps. Personal Development Hours (PDH) will be awarded.
For conference program information you can go to or contact Dr. Dave Richardson, Conference Director (573-341-4487; and for registration information contact Distance and Continuing Education, Room 216 Centennial Hall, Missouri S&T, Rolla, MO, 65409-1560, (573-341-4200; If you are interested in being an exhibitor or sponsor, please contact Tonya Huskey:; 573-341-4835.
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